Scoreboard Publications

Scoreboard Publications — are peer-reviewed scientific journals started specifically to publish research done by students of high schools.

Our goal: create a trusted and reputable platform for publication of student research.

Why publish with us?

International standards

After publication, we will assign DOI to your article, and metadata about your work will be submitted to the international database of scientific articles.

Opportunity to grow

Although our criteria are quite strict, we want them to become an opportunity for your self-development. If it seems to us that something is wrong in your work, we will not just refuse you, but will provide you with suggestions for improvement so that you can publish with us later on.

Proper peer-review

For us, the peer-review procedure is not just a fancy word. For you, this means that you will not only know the final result (whether the work is accepted or not), but you will also be able to see the reviews that were written to you, and, if necessary, you will be able to reply to them.

And most importantly we do not run after the quantity and do not rush. We are well aware that with our approach, we can publish one article per year. Nevertheless, it is more important for us to create a high-quality and meritocratic platform (should we even say that publishing with us is completely free?), which will become a quality standard. In the future, when students will plan to do research — they will look at our journals to understand what a scientific method is and be inspired to do research.

Procedure for publication

1. Paper submission

Send your work in accordance with the layout & design requirements to the email [email protected].

2. Check for compliance with layout requirements

In case of critical discrepancies, we will ask you to make corrections. In case of minor errors, we will fix them and move your paper to the next stage.

3. Interview

We will conduct short (15-30 min) interviews, during which we will discuss your project with you.

4. Peer-review

We send your work for peer-review. If necessary, we will send you a request for correction or revision.

5. Publication

After completing all the previous stages, we will translate the abstract of your article into English and publish the work on the website.

Criteria for publication:

Compliance with the scientific method

You must determine the subject of the study, research the relevant theoretical basis, formulate a hypothesis, conduct an experiment and make the necessary calculations or make the necessary transformations of mathematical expressions, and then analyze the results and draw conclusions.

Compliance with academic integrity

In addition to observing the rules and style of citing existing works (literature sources), we require that a significant part of the work and the text of the manuscript be completed and written by students.

Transparency of primary data

If necessary, you should be ready to provide the primary data obtained during your research (for example, Excel spreadsheets with experimental and processed data).

The novelty of the work

Reaching beyond the edge of current knowledge is the most important criterion for scientific progress. However, it is not necessary to discover a new chemical element or create a new cure for a disease in order to do something new in science. The world of scientific knowledge is built from the smallest bricks that fill the previously unknown voids with facts and their interconnections. Your task is to thoroughly read latest findings in your chosen local area of scientific knowledge. Having found the boundaries of current knowledge, you will discover that the space of the unknown beyond this boundary is almost infinite, and you will formulate a hypothesis that no one has tested before. The novelty of scientific work is actually a rather banal thing, there is nothing supernatural in it, and a good scientist should understand this.


The manuscript should be styled according to the requirements of the journal with all the necessary sections; all graphic materials should be given in the body of the manuscript and in the form of separate files in accordance with the required formats and resolution. The list of references should be designed in the style accepted by the journal. Pay attention to the restrictions on the maximum size of the text — state your thoughts clearly and concisely.

NOT criteria for publication:

Reputation of supervisor

It doesn't matter what achievements you had in the past, in which journal you were published or who acted as a scientific supervisor and what merits he had.

Conduction of an experiment

Your work may consist exclusively of theoretical conclusions. For example, a theoretical justification of a new scheme for the synthesis of a drug molecule or a mathematical transformation for a certain scheme of kinetic equations leading to a non-trivial result.