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Selection of national team from Kazakhstan

Upon completion of the National Olympiad, all gold medalists and those standing close by points (first in their absolute) silver medalists are invited to two two-week-long training camps held at the Kazakh National University. The training camp is organized in two stages. The first training camp takes place immediately after the Republic Olympiad in early April, whereas the second one - in early May. Both camps are held in intensive training on topics of the international Olympiad, lectures are given by professors, and exams and rating competitions are held daily to test students' knowledge and preparedness on the studied topics. As a result, one team of four students in absolute are selected to partake in the International (IGeO) and European (EGeO) Geography Olympiads.

Notably, if some of the strongest four students picked for the international Olympiad are unable to participate in one of the competitions, the closest students in rating points (usually, 5-8th in absolute) are invited to substitute them.